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Using TSQL to select a percentage of the total sum of records at random

Mark Devid172906-May-2013

I have a table that contains Road reference numbers and road length, with columns RoadID (int) and RoadLength (int).

There are around 3000 rows. Using T-SQL I need to extract a random selection of road references and their length where the sum of the length adds up to 5% of the

total length of all the roads in the table. This is for an annual road survey where roads are selected at random.

I'm using T-SQL against a SQL Server 2008 database. Tried a few variations on triangular queries from this article

-149-1.aspx but struggling with selecting random rows. I tried using order by newID() but my results don't look correct.

Any help with the most efficient way to do this would be appreciated. Thanks

Thanks in advance!

Updated on 06-May-2013

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